A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
On the Maximum Values of $f$-Divergence and Rényi Divergence under a
Given Variational Distance
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V. V. Prelov
pp. 112
Entropy and Compression: A Simple Proof of an Inequality of
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R. Aragona, F. Marzi, F. Mignosi, and M. Spezialetti
pp. 1322
Steiner Triple Systems of Order 21 with a Transversal Subdesign
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Y. Guan, M. J. Shi, and D. S. Krotov
pp. 2332
On $q$-ary Codes with Two Distances $d$ and $d+1$
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P. Boyvalenkov, K. Delchev, D. V. Zinoviev, and V. A. Zinoviev
pp. 3344
On Distance Distributions of Orthogonal Arrays
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N. L. Manev
pp. 4555
Extended Large Deviation Principle for Trajectories of Processes with
Independent and Stationary Increments on the Half-line
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F. C. Klebaner, A. V. Logachov, and A. A. Mogulskii
pp. 5672
Bivariate Distributions of Maximum Remaining Service Times in Fork-Join
Infinite-Server Queues
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A. V. Gorbunova and A. V. Lebedev
pp. 7390
Piecewise Polynomial Sequences over the Galois Ring
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A. R. Vasin
pp. 91102