A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
A Method of Majority Decoding of
Truncated Cyclic Codes
Yu. M. Shtar'kov
pp. 16
AbstractA method for the majority decoding of truncated cyclic codes is proposed. In many cases the decoding circuit is simpler than the similar circuit for the original cyclic code. Sometimes the design of the check system is simplified. The results are illustrated by examples.
The Transmission of a Finite Number of
Messages Over a Binary Asymmetric Channel
S. A. Molchanov
pp. 713
AbstractThe case of the transmission of a finite number of messages over a binary asymmetric channel is considered. Asymptotic estimates are found for the error probability subject to the condition that the length of the code messages tends to infinity.
Noise Immunity of a Class of Wideband
Systems for the Transmission of Discrete Information
D. D. Nasledov and A. A. Sikarev
pp. 1421
AbstractThe noise immunity of wideband systems for transmitting discrete information with separate processing of the orthogonal components of the received signal is considered. Expressions are obtained for the error probability and a comparative analysis is carried out of the noise immunity of different variants of these systems in a channel with constant parameters and additive fluctuating noise.
Limiting Form of the Bayes Estimate of
the Regression Coefficients in the Presence of Nonstationary Noise
B. R. Levin and Yu. S. Shinakov
pp. 2227
AbstractSufficient conditions are obtained for the asymptotic invariance of the Bayes estimates of the regression coefficients relative to a fairly extensive class of a priori distributions in the presence of nonstationary normal noise. The limiting form of the Bayes estimate is deduced. Conditions are determined which ensure a sufficiently precise approximation of the Bayes estimate to its limiting form.
Information Loss in a Nonideal
Electromagnetic Channel
S. I. Borovitskii and V. V. Mityugov
pp. 2832
AbstractThe modification of the quantum states of various electromagnetic signals caused by their transmission through a channel having nonunity transmission factor is considered on the basis of a simple model. The quantity of information transmitted along such a channel by various ensembles of signals is evaluated. The efficiencies of various transmission methods, evaluated as a function of the radiation power, bandwidth, and center frequency for a channel with large attenuation, are compared.
Study of a Multichannel Square-Law
Receiver of Electromagnetic Signals Taking Quantum Effects into Account
A. A. Kuriksha
pp. 3338
AbstractA receiver in which the output signal is a square functional of the field strength is investigated. The characteristic function is obtained for the joint distribution of the output probabilities of channels with commuting operators. The dependence of the receiver characteristics on its weight function is analyzed.
Games of Continuous Automata
A. M. Gersht
pp. 3944
AbstractThe game $G$ of continuous automata is defined. The internal state probability distribution for a collective of $\nu$ automata is shown to be described by a $\nu$-dimensional FokkerPlanck equation. The Goore game with independent penalties is investigated on the assumption that the minimum of the penalty curve is small compared with $1/2$, and the memory of the automata $L$ increases indefinitely with $\nu$.
Theoretical Derivation of Text
Statistical Features (A Possible Proof of Zipfs Law)
Yu. A. Shreider
pp. 4549
AbstractThe properties of a language generation model are described, in which Zipfs empirical law for the word frequency distribution in a text is satisfied automatically.
Stationary Solutions of Equations with Delay
V. B. Kolmanovskii
pp. 5057
AbstractIt is possible to utilize differential equations with after-effect to describe the random processes encountered in information transmission systems. Conditions for the existence of stationary and periodic solutions of such equations are obtained.
On Queuing at a Telemetric Data Channel
A. N. Efimov
pp. 5859
AbstractThe case when the results of measurements of a random process await transmission by a communications channel is investigated. The transmission time is found as a function of the waiting time.
Dynamics of the Operation of a Discrete
Automaton with Linear Delay
V. N. Roginskii
pp. 6062
AbstractA model of a relay circuit (discrete automaton) is considered, allowing for the existence of different delays in the automaton, and for the probabilistic characteristics of the spreads of the delays and of the signal durations. Determination of the automaton reaction to input signal sequences is described for the case of linear delays.
Limit Approximation Theorems in
Electrical Network and Signal Theory
A. A. Lanne
pp. 6365
AbstractAny function continuous on a bounded set is shown to be reducible to any given accuracy as the amplitude-frequency or transient response of a general linear, or purely resistance-capacitance (RC), network. It is assumed that an amplifier can be cascaded with the network.
Dependence of the Capacity of
Incomplete Access Schemes with Losses on the Form of Hunting
G. L. Ionin and Ya. Ya. Sedol
pp. 6669
AbstractThe loss probability of an incomplete access scheme is studied for various forms of hunting and for different calling rates. The following forms of hunting are considered qualitatively and quantitatively: random, ordered, and ordered with rerouting.
Letter to the Editor
A. N. Shiryaev
pp. 7071