A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
On the Twenty-Fourth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
pp. 12
An Estimate of the Complexity of Constructing Binary Linear Cascade Codes
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V. V. Zyablov
pp. 310
Weight Spectrum of Binary BoseChaudhuriHoquinghem Codes
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V. M. Sidel'nikov
pp. 1117
Complexity of Circuit Implementation of Reeds Algorithm and
Decoding in an Automaton
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Yu. L. Sagalovich
pp. 1822
Sequential Decoding in a Channel with Error Bursts
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K. Sh. Zigangirov and V. V. Ovchinnikov
pp. 2329
Uniformly Packed Codes
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N. V. Semakov, V. A. Zinoviev, and G. V. Zaitsev
pp. 3039
An Information-Theoretic Approach to Statistical Decision Problems
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P. A. Bakut
pp. 4045
Optimum Reception of Pulse Radio Signals with Secondary Frequency Modulation
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M. S. Yarlykov
pp. 4652
Approximation Possibilities of Minimum-Phase Networks
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A. A. Lanne and N. I. Zhivitsa
pp. 5358
A Program which Constructs a Multistage Classification
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A. V. Rashkinis
pp. 5968
Formal Grammars and Constraints on Derivation
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E. D. Stotskii
pp. 6981
A Strong Converse of Shannons Theorem for Memoryless Channels with
Synchronization Errors
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O. K. Kozlov
pp. 8284
Relationship between Chromatic Number and Branch Connectivity in a Finite
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V. P. Polesskii
pp. 8587
One Queueing System with Nonstationary Incoming Flow
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D. G. Polyak
pp. 8890