A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
To the 25th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
pp. 12
Generalized Cascade Codes
V. A. Zinoviev
pp. 29
AbstractA cascade method of constructing block codes from several initial (linear or nonlinear) codes is presented. The generalized cascade codes thus constructed are in many respects closer to the optimal codes than the codes given in Sloane’s table. For lengths $N<200$ and distances $7\le d\le 28$, around $60$ such codes are constructed, with the result that more than $300$ values from Sloane's table can be improved.
Perfect Arithmetic Single-Error-Correcting $AN$-Codes
I. M. Boyarinov and G. A. Kabatyanskii
pp. 1016
AbstractNecessary and sufficient existence conditions for perfect $r$-ary single-error-correcting $AN$-codes are obtained. All perfect ternary $AN$-codes are described; the nonexistence of perfect $AN$-codes for some $r$ is proved.
Cyclic Codes with Unequal Symbol Protection
V. N. Dyn'kin and V. A. Togonidze
pp. 1619
AbstractThe authors offer a method of constructing binary cyclic nonsystematic codes in which part of the information symbols are protected from a greater number of errors than that which the code distance can provide. The resultant codes permit majority decoding.
Spatial-Temporal Nonlinear Filtering for Poisson Random Fields
V. I. Fedoseev and F. V. Shirokov
pp. 2028
AbstractThe article considers the problem of estimating a diffusion process $\mathbf x_t$ from results of observations of a Poisson random field $N(t,\xi)$ whose parameter (intensity function) depends on the process $\mathbf x_t$. On the basis of Grigelionis’ results [Lit. Mat. Sb., 1972, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 3751] the authors obtain a stochastic equation for the probability density of $\mathbf x_t$; expressions are derived in the Gaussian approximation for the estimate $\widehat{\mathbf x}_t$ and covariation matrix $\mathbf D_t$; two examples are considered.
Discrimination of Deterministic Signals
in a Quasideterministic Flow of Pulses
A. S. Kotousov
pp. 2832
AbstractThe author determines the structure of an asymptotically optimum receiver for deterministic signals when there is weak noise and interfering pulses of known shapes with random parameters. It is shown that the noise stability of the receiver is asymptotically independent of the power of the interfering pulses.
Monotonic Binary Cellular Automata
A. L. Toom
pp. 3337
AbstractThe operator $P$ with local interaction acts upon an ensemble (finite subsets of a $d$-dimensional integer-valued lattice $\mathbb{Z}^d$). Criteria are derived that make it possible to predict a number of properties of its iterations $P^t$ as $t\to\infty$.
Multilevel Stack Automata
A. N. Maslov
pp. 3842
AbstractThe author considers a sequence of classes of automata with memory that is an extension of stack memory, in such a way that the class of languages that are admissible by automata from the $i$-th class coincides with generalized indexed languages of level $i$.
Two Observations Regarding the Stopping Problem in Cellular Growth Models
S. V. Solntsev
pp. 4348
AbstractAn improved estimate is given for the maximum length of a configuration of identical automaton states for a specified automaton complexity in linear cellular space. An estimate is obtained for the length of the segment of close packings by ends of configurations, for a specified complexity.
Asymptotic Investigation of Star-Shaped
Message Switching Networks with a Large Number of Radial Rays
R. L. Dobrushin and Yu. M. Sukhov
pp. 4966
AbstractThe paper considers networks consisting of a large number of independent message sources and a central point that is connected to each source by two-way communication lines. When a message from a source arrives at the central point, it is instantaneously switched to the input of the communications line that leads from the central point to another source, inconformity with the address of the message. It is assumed that each source generates a homogeneous Poisson flow of messages whose lengths are mutually independent, exponentially distributed, and independent of the ensemble of instants of appearance of messages at the sources. The message length remains unaltered as the message passes through the system. The authors investigate the asymptotic behavior of the queues at the central point when the addresses are uniformly distributed and the number of sources increases without limit. It is shown that the waiting time of each message in queue at the input of the line leading from the source to the central point, and its waiting time at the central point, are independent identically distributed random quantities in the limit. From this, asymptotic formulas are derived for the probability characteristics of the communications network in question.
Computational Expansion Processes on Graphs
A. Ya. Tolchan
pp. 6673
AbstractThe article considers the problem of determining the parameters of bundles of paths on a finite oriented graph without multiple arcs (possibly with loops). Necessary and sufficient conditions are considered such that the search may be implemented by a computational procedure called a one-dimensional expansion procedure. Algorithms for the procedure are formulated and examples of possible applications are given.
Queuing System with Time-Limited Categorical Priority
E. B. Veklerov, I. M. Dukhovnyi, and A. Ya. Tolchan
pp. 7379
AbstractThe article investigates a single-channel queuing system that is fed two Poisson flows of requests with arbitrarily distributed servicing times and a discipline that provides time-limited priority to the requests of the first flow. Analytic expressions are found for the mean stationary waiting times. The asymptotic behavior of the characteristic is considered in detail in the most interesting limiting cases.
Transmission of a Gaussian Process over a Channel with Feedback
P. K. Katyshev
pp. 8084
AbstractThe article considers transmission of a Gaussian process over a one-dimensional channel with white noise that employs instantaneous nose-free feedback. An expression is found for the minimum mean-square signal reproduction error, and codings are constructed that yield an error that is arbitrarily close to the minimum value.
Note on the Article On
BahlChien Burst-Error-Correcting Codes
G. L. Tauglich and G. M. Tenengol'ts
p. 84