A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii

Volume 18, Number 1, January–March, 1982
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Zero-Error Capacity for Deterministic Multiple-Access Channels with Common Information
L. A. Bassalygo, M. S. Pinsker, and V. V. Prelov
pp. 1–8

Abstract—The article considers a multiple-access memoryless channel used for transmission of common information arriving at both inputs, and of private information arriving at one of the inputs. It is shown that, in this case, the region of the zero-error capacity coincides with the ordinary capacity region.


Random Coding Bounds for Discrete Memoryless Channels
G. Sh. Poltyrev
pp. 9–21

Abstract—The article describes a new method of constructing random coding bounds in a discrete memoryless channel for an ensemble of codes with fixed composition and for an ensemble generated by an independent distribution at the channel input. This method makes it possible to construct upper bounds for different ensembles in unified fashion, and establishes a natural relationship between different points of representation of random coding bounds.


On Error Correction by Generalized Convolutional Concatenated Codes
O. D. Skopintsev
pp. 22–30

Abstract—The article introduces linear binary nonsystematic generalized convolutional concatenated codes, based on Reed–Solomon codes and constant nonsystematic binary convolutional codes. Asymptotic lower bounds are obtained for the free code distance of such codes, and the way in which these bounds depend on the structure and order of the concatenated code is investigated. The complexity of the solution of the problem of constructing generalized convolutional concatenated codes with asymptotically good correcting properties is analyzed.


On One Modification of the Majority Decoding Algorithm
G. L. Katsman and S. L. Portnoi
pp. 31–35

Abstract—The authors consider the modification of the majority decoding algorithm such that, in the case of even $d_M$, it is possible to correct a certain proportion of error combinations of weight $d_M/2$. Bounds are derived for the number of correctable error combinations of weight $d_M/2$.


Pseudostochastic $N$-Partition Coding in Systems with Decision Feedback
G. N. Ustinov
pp. 35–41

Abstract—The author proposes a pseudostochastic coding method that makes it possible to take account of the specified nature of the error distribution in a feedback channel to ensure a sufficiently small value of the undetected error probability in ensuring a guaranteed value of the undetected error probability for the case in which the real error distribution in the channel deviates from the specified one.


On Stable Rules for Discrimination of Hypotheses
V. P. Kuznetsov
pp. 41–51

Abstract—The article considers the problem of discriminating several hypotheses, each of which comprises a family of densities bounded on both sides. The comparison criterion is the maximum with respect to the unknown densities of the average risk. Rules are obtained for minimizing the maximum risk. Under certain conditions, these rules may be based on both the upper and the lower bounds of the families of densities. Since, in accordance with the maximum-likelihood method, rules are based only on upper bounds for families of densities, in some sense the rules can be both optimal and nonoptimal.


On Comparative Characteristics of the Statistics of Spectral Densities of Stationary Random Processes
I. G. Zhurbenko and I. A. Kozhevnikova
pp. 51–62

Abstract—The authors offer an asymptotic investigation and comparison, for finite sample sizes, of various statistics of the spectral densities of stationary processes. The standard deviations are compared both in relation to the local property of the spectral density and in relation to strong perturbations and noise at adjacent frequencies. A new type of statistic, which possesses properties of strong noise immunity together with some other conveniences, is investigated.


On Estimates of Parameters of Counting Processes
Yu. N. Lin'kov
pp. 63–76

Abstract—The author investigates the asymptotic behavior of Bayesian and maximum-likelihood estimates for the parameters of counting processes with continuous compensators under conditions of local asymptotic normality of the family of measures generated by counting processes. Uniform asymptotic normality, uniform convergence of the moments, and the asymptotic minimax property in any compactum are demonstrated for the estimates in equation.


Existence Conditions for a Steady-State Mode for Two Types of Communications Networks with Message Switching
A. N. Rybko
pp. 76–84

Abstract—In this paper we obtain necessary and sufficient existence conditions for a steady-state mode for homogeneous Markov processes that model two classes of communications networks with message switching—networks with priority servicing and networks with monotonic routes.


(available in Russian only)


Attractive States of Deterministic Automata Systems
V. N. Basmanov
pp. 104–107 (Russian issue)

Abstract—We prove that the set of attractive states of a deterministic automata system can be continual.