A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
Theory of Codes with Maximum Rank Distance
E. M. Gabidulin
pp. 112
AbstractThe article considers codes over $\operatorname{\it GF}(q^N)$. A new metric, called the rank metric, is introduced; the maximum number of coordinates of vector $\mathbf{x}=(x_1,\dots,x_n)$ that are linearly dependent over $\operatorname{\it GF}(q)$ is called its norm. For this metric a theory analogous to the theory of MDS codes is formulated. Codes with maximum rank distance are described; their spectrum is obtained; and encoding and decoding algorithms are given.
Convolutional-Block Coding in Channels with Decision Feedback
B. D. Kudryashov
pp. 1220
AbstractThe article describes a method of transmitting information over channels with decision feedback, based on combined use of block and convolutional coding principles. A bound is obtained for the decoding error probability as a function of the length of the code constraint and the transmission rate. It is shown that the error probability decreases exponentially as the complexity of implementation of encoding and decoding increases linearly.
Coding in a Channel with Generalized Defects and Random Errors
A. V. Kuznetsov
pp. 2025
AbstractThe author introduces a model of a channel with generalized defects and random errors, this being an aggregate consisting of a deterministic channel from a specified class $\Phi$, followed by a channel with random errors of specified multiplicity. It is assumed that the deterministic channel is known to the encoder but not to the decoder. Coding and decoding methods for such a channel are described. Lower bounds are obtained for the information-transmission rate for zero error probability, for an arbitrary set of deterministic channels $\Phi$ and arbitrary multiplicity of random errors.
Nonbinary Codes That Correct Symbol Insertions, Drop-Outs, and
A. S. Dolgopolov
pp. 2629
AbstractThe author constructs codes over $\operatorname{\it GF}(q)$ with length $n$ not exceeding the size of the alphabet $q$ that correct single insertions, drop-outs, and substitutions of letters in words. Bounds are given for the volume of the constructed codes. Methods of constructing short codes of maximum volume are considered.
On Sequential Estimation of Intensity of Renewal Processes
A. G. Tartakovskii
pp. 3036
AbstractThe author considers problems of Bayesian and non-Bayesian sequential estimation of the intensity of a renewal process with a gamma distribution of the intervals between events. Sequential and nonsequential estimation procedures are compared.
On Sequential Estimation of Parameters of Diffusion Processes
V. V. Konev and S. M. Pergamenshchikov
pp. 3646
AbstractThe authors consider the problem of estimating the linear parameters of multivariate stochastic processes described by stochastic differential equations. Sequential designs are constructed that make it possible to estimate the unknown parameters with the requisite accuracy within a finite time. Their asymptotic properties are investigated. A limiting expression that relates the duration of observations and the estimation accuracy is obtained. It is shown that the sequential estimates are asymptotically normal and that they converge with probability 1 and in the mean square.
Analysis of Losses Due to Incomplete Allowance for Correlational Structure
of Gaussian Noise in Digital Signal Reception and Discrimination Algorithms
A. I. Rog and A. A. Sirota
pp. 4751
AbstractThe authors give a method of estimating the loss that arises in the case of incomplete (or inexact) description of the covariance matrix of readings in digital signal processing with correlated noise.
Asymptotically Efficient Estimation of a Signal in Unknown Additive Noise
E. Kh. Mustafaev
pp. 5160
AbstractThe author obtains new asymptotically efficient estimates for a signal observed in unknown symmetrical additive noise. These estimates are asymptotically efficient not only in the weak sense (in the sense of distributions), but also in the strong sense (in the sense of moments of arbitrary order).
Packet Transmission in Radio Networks
B. S. Tsybakov and V. L. Bakirov
pp. 6076
AbstractThe article considers a communications network employing an ALOHA random multiple-access system. A general formulation of the problem is given and three network models are proposed: with random-walk packets, with fixed routes, and a general model. The stability conditions of the network are determined. Optimization of the throughput with respect to the radius of action of the transmitters is performed.
To Expurgated Bounds for Convolutional Codes
K. Sh. Zigangirov
pp. 102105 (Russian issue)
AbstractWe derive new expurgated bounds on the decoding error probability for convolutional codes.
Codes for a Two-User Adder Channel
G. G. Hachatrian
pp. 105109 (Russian issue)
AbstractWe give a method for constructing $\delta$-decodable pairs of codes for a binary two-user adder channel. We present examples of codes with prescribed $\delta$ with rates beyond the time-sharing bound.
On Codes Beyond the Gilbert Bound
V. A. Zinoviev and S. N. Litsin
pp. 109111 (Russian issue)
AbstractWe show that for all $q\ge 46$, there exist nonlinear $q$-ary codes beyond the Gilbert bound.