A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
Two-Way Communication Complexity of Sum-Type Functions
For One Processor to Be Informed
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Rudolf Ahlswede and Ning Cai
pp. 110
Estimating the Mutual Interference of Two Sources
in a Multiple Access Channel
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V. A. Yakovlev
pp. 1126
On the Divisibility of Discrete Sources with an Additive
Single-Letter Distortion Measure
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V. N. Koshelev
p. 2743
Decoding ReedSolomon Codes Beyond $(d-1)/2$
and Zeros of Multivariate Polynomials
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V. M. Sidelnikov
pp. 4459
Transmission of Constant Weight Binary Sequences with
Convolutional Codes and Maximum Likelihood Decoding
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V. B. Balakirskii
pp. 6071
Optimization of Closed Queueing Networks with Several
Classes of Messages
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A. I. Gerasimov
pp. 7281
Kernels of Jackson Type and Their Application
to Designing Low-Pass Filters
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V. G. Alekseev
pp. 8287
Variance of Statistical Parameter Estimates of a
Semimarkov Process with a Finite State Space
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E. I. Shkolny
pp. 8792
Sixth Joint SwedishRussian International Workshop
on Information Theory
pp. 9394