A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
Codes in the Vandermonde $\mathcal{F}$-Metric and Their Application
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E. M. Gabidulin and V. A. Obernikhin
pp. 159169
On a Geometric Generalization of Entropy
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V. A. Leus
pp. 170177
To the Metrical Rigidity of Binary Codes
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S. V. Avgustinovich and F. I. Solov'eva
pp. 178183
New Quasi-cyclic Degenerate Linear Codes over $\operatorname{\it GF}(8)$
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R. Daskalov and P. Hristov
pp. 184190
On Optimal Linear Detectors, Asymptotic Efficiency, and Some CDMA Problems
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M. V. Burnashev
pp. 191206
Adaptive $\chi^2$ Test for Discriminating between Close Hypotheses with a
Large Number of Classes and Its Application to Some Cryptography Problems
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B. Ya. Ryabko, V. S. Stognienko, and Yu. I. Shokin
pp. 207215
On Optimal Signal–Filter Pairs
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V. N. Malozemov and K. Yu. Tsvetkov
pp. 216226
Boolean Functions with Improper Parameters
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V. V. Tarasov
pp. 227230