A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
On Multipartite Superactivation of Quantum Channel Capacities
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M. E. Shirokov
pp. 87102
Information-Geometric Equivalence of Transportation Polytopes
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M. Kovačević, I. Stanojević, and V. Šenk
pp. 103109
Almost Disjunctive List-Decoding Codes
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A. G. D'yachkov, I. V. Vorob'ev, N. A. Polyansky, and V. Yu. Shchukin
pp. 110131
On Error Correction with Errors in Both the Channel and Syndrome
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S. G. Vlǎduţ, G. A. Kabatiansky, and V. V. Lomakov
pp. 132138
On Separability of the Classes of Homogeneous and Transitive Perfect Binary
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I. Yu. Mogilnykh and F. I. Solov'eva
pp. 139147
On Limit Distributions of the Time of First Passage over a High Level
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M. V. Burnashev and G. K. Golubev
pp. 148164
Independence Numbers and Chromatic Numbers of Some Distance Graphs
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A. V. Bobu, O. A. Kostina, and A. E. Kupriyanov
pp. 165176
One-Armed Bandit Problem for Parallel Data Processing Systems
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A. V. Kolnogorov
pp. 177191
Coupling of Probability Distributions and an Extremal Problem for the
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V. V. Prelov
pp. 192199
On the Source-Channel Separation Theorem for Infinite Source Alphabets
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A. Aghajan, S. J. Zahabi, M. Khosravifard, and T. A. Gulliver
pp. 200204