A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
Bounds for Codes Ensuring Error
Correction and Synchronization
V. I. Levenshtein
pp. 110
AbstractThe order is established for the maximum number of binary words in codes ensuring correction of a given number of errors and synchronization of code words.
Complete and Quasi-complete Balanced Codes
N. V. Semakov and V. A. Zinoviev
pp. 1113
AbstractComplete balanced codes are isomorphic to Steiner systems. To each complete balanced code there corresponds a definite quasi-complete balanced code. A quasi-complete balanced code ($n=16$, $w=d=6$, and $N=112$) is given which is not connected with the complete code. This code is also interesting because it generates a maximum non-linear systematic quasi-complete (in the usual sense) code $n=15$, $d=5$, and $N=256$.
Cyclic $M(n,k)$-Codes
G. V. Presnyakova and E. T. Mironchikov
pp. 1416
AbstractNew cyclic codes with a majority decoding scheme are proposed. A method is indicated for constructing systems of control checks and bounds are obtained for the parameters of the codes.
Sequential Decoding for a Binary
Channel with Drop-Outs and Insertions
K. Sh. Zigangirov
pp. 1722
AbstractA method is considered for sequential decoding in a binary channel with independent drop-outs and insertions. The coding is convolutional. Bounds for the channel parameters are obtained.
The Asymptotic Channel Capacity for a
Continuous Channel with Small Additive Noise
V. V. Prelov
pp. 2327
AbstractAn asymptotic expansion is found for the capacity of a continuous channel with small independent additive noise.
Using Optimal Pulse Radio-Signal
Receivers for Speech Filtering
M. S. Yarlykov
pp. 2833
AbstractNonlinear filtering theory is viewed in the Gaussian approximation to synthesize optimal pulse radio-signal receivers for speech filtering with various forms of modulation. A Markov-process speech model is considered; it is described by a system of two linear first-order stochastic equations. The signal (a train of radio pulses) is considered against an additive white-noise background. The mean-square filtering error is determined for amplitude, pulse-width, and pulse-time modulation.
Some Theorems on the Structures of
Unspecialized Nonintersecting Connecting Systems
L. A. Bassalygo, I. I. Grushko, and V. I. Neiman
pp. 3439
AbstractTheorems on the properties of symmetric matrices describing establishment of connections in unspecialized nonintersecting connecting systems are formulated and proved. These theorems are used to describe two classes of unspecialized nonintersecting connecting systems: a truncated Clos circuit and a circuit with loop-connected inputs and outputs. It is shown that the loop-connected circuit is better for nonintersecting switching.
Servicing Several Flows by Fully
Accessible Clusters with Relative Priority of Servicing and Restricted
V. A. Kokotushkin and D. G. Mikhalev
pp. 4046
AbstractWe shall consider the systems $M_k|M|1\le c<\infty|f_1^0$ and $M_k|M|1\le c<\infty|r<\infty|f_1^2$. The priority $f_1^0$ denotes relative priority for servicing and an absence of priority for entering the queue; $f_1^2$ denotes relative priority for servicing and absolute priority in entering the queue. For the first system recursive relationships are given for the state probabilities in the steady-state regime. For the second system formulas are obtained for the loss probabilities and for the average waiting and residence times in the system.
A Single-Channel Queueing System with
Alternating Priority
I. M. Dukhovnyi
pp. 4755
AbstractThe author examines a single-channel queueing system receiving $r$ flows of the simplest kind with arbitrarily distributed servicing times. The appearance of a call in the $s$-th flow at a moment when the system is empty ensures priority for the calls of this flow for the next $s$-th cycle of operation of the system $s=1,\ldots,r$; once that cycle is completed a call from the flow with the smallest number is chosen from those existing at that moment, and so on. The case $r=2$ has been investigated in [B. Avi-Itzhak, W.L. Maxwell, and L.W. Miller, Operat. Res., 1965, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 306318; L. Takács, Operat. Res., 1968, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 639650].
The Probability of Large Deviations for
a Quadratic Functional of a Stationary Gaussian Sequence
L. M. Libkind
pp. 5661
AbstractIn this paper we find the first term in the asymptotic expansion of $P_n=P\{\xi_1^2+\ldots+\xi_n^2\le nx\}$, where $\xi_1,\xi_2,\ldots\strut$ is a stationary Gaussian sequence, $M\xi_1=0$, $D\xi_1=1$.
Winklers Discrete-Difference
Approximation (Delta-Modulation)
G. G. Men'shikov
pp. 6165
AbstractWe investigate the characteristics of a method of approximation described by Winkler as high information delta-modulation. We formulate an algorithm for the approximation. We give, without proof, upper bounds for the duration of the transient process caused by a discontinuity in the input signal, and we establish the absolute error in the approximation.
A Class of Maximum Equidistant Codes
N. V. Semakov, V. A. Zinoviev, and G. V. Zaitsev
pp. 6568
AbstractA general method is described for constructing equidistant codes with maximum distance; the method exhausts all cases in which the basis and the number of words in the code are arbitrary powers of a prime number. The relation between these codes and maximum balanced binary codes is considered.