A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
Decoding of Cyclic AN-Codes
V. N. Dyn'kin
pp. 8385
AbstractThe possibilities for the decoding of cyclic codes correcting multiple arithmetic errors are investigated.
Error-Detecting Encoding
V. K. Leont'ev
pp. 8692
AbstractThe ability of linear codes to detect errors in transmission by a symmetric binary channel is investigated. An asymptotic representation is found for the minimum mean probability of failure to detect an error for a transmission rate above the critical value $R_0=\lg_22(1-p)$, and a method is given for the synthesis of asymptotically optimum codes.
A Polynomial Weighted Code Correcting
Multiple Group Errors
G. L. Tauglikh
pp. 9397
AbstractA polynomial weighted code that corrects multiple group errors and error packets is constructed. A constructive method is proposed for the determination of weights.
Redundancy Estimates for the Literal
Encoding of Messages Generated by a Bernoulli Source
G. L. Khodak
pp. 98107
AbstractThe efficiency of an encoding is estimated by its redundancy $R$, and its complexity by the average delay $\bar N$. In the article literal codes are constructed for which $R\lesssim \bar N^{-5/3}$. Thus a literal encoding can acquire the same redundancy as the block type, but with a significantly lower complexity. Also considered are output-uniform codes, an advantage of which is the absence of a running synchronization error. For such codes $\bar N^{-1}\lesssim R\lesssim\bar N^{-1}$, except for the case in which all input letters are equally probable, whereupon $R\le\bar N^{-2}$ for infinitely many $\bar N$.
Optimum Processing of a Quantum Field
in Two-Element Interferometers
A. A. Manuk'yan
pp. 108112
AbstractThe author discusses the synthesis of an optimum interferometer measuring fields and their intensities. A likelihood equation is derived for the intensity spatial correlation coefficient $\gamma_u$ with regard for the quantum structure of the field in the classical approximation. The effectiveness of the estimate $\widetilde\gamma_u $ in a BrownTwiss interferometer is analyzed in comparison with the maximum likelihood estimate $\hat\gamma_u$. It is shown that the estimate formed in a Mochelson interferometer for the field spatial correlation coefficient $\gamma_n$ is optimum in the case of a centrosymmetric object.
Space-Time Characteristics of
Variable-Parameter Linear Channels
N. E. Kirillov and V. A. Soifer
pp. 113117
AbstractThe description of linear channels having variable parameters is discussed. A classification of such channels is given.
Lower Bound of Network Reliability
M. V. Lomonosov and V. P. Polesskii
pp. 118123
AbstractA lower bound is determined for the connectivity probability of a network; the resulting lower bound is attainable in definite types of networks called $k$-cycles.
A Nonorderly Multiserver Queueing Process
Yu. F. Yakushev
pp. 124128
AbstractAn $n$-server queueing system is analyzed for the case of a nonorderly recurrent input process. Inputs are serviced one at a time. The service time is exponentially distributed. The stationary distribution of the number of inputs in the system is obtained.
Calculation of the Optimum Structural
Parameters of Nonblocking Connecting Networks
D. Khamraev
pp. 129133
AbstractA procedure is described for calculating the optimum structural parameters of nonblocking connecting networks on a computer. The author gives the fundamental results of this calculations fir symmetric and asymmetric nonblocking networks containing from 10 to 10,000 inputs and outputs.
Comparison of Time and Traffic
Estimates for the Loss Probability in a Multiserver Queueing System with
Finite Waiting Space
D. G. Polyak and E. G. Belov
pp. 134139
AbstractAsymptotic expressions are derived for the variances of time and overflow-traffic estimates of the loss probability in a multiserver queueing system with a finite number of waiting spaces. It is shown that under low-traffic conditions the time estimate is more precise than the traffic estimate, while the converse is true for heavy traffic conditions.
Estimation of the Traffic Intensity of
Infinite-Server Queueing Systems
A. M. Andronov
pp. 140145
AbstractTwo methods are discussed for measurements of the traffic intensity of the queueing system $M_{\text{nonord}}|G|\infty$: 1) the spot-sampling method and 2) the time-averaging method. Equations are derived for the numerical characteristics of the traffic estimates, for the variance in particular.
Encoding of Target Distance Information
by Honeybees
E. K. Es'kov
pp. 146150
AbstractInformation on the range of a flight target is encoded by bees into durations of an airborne amplitude-modulated signal. The carrier and modulating frequencies of the background noise associated with the colony are used as references by the signal sender. The signal has high noise immunity in the zone where it is perceived by bees recruited by the signal senders.
Density: A Measure of Derivation
Complexity in a Context-Free Grammar
A. Ya. Dikovskii
pp. 151160
AbstractAn exact (up to order) estimate is obtained for the growth of the signalizing density function for context-free (CF) grammars generating the set $L_0$ of all regular binary bracketed sequences, i.e., the set containing: a) sequence $(~)$; b) $(z_1z_2)$ for every $z_1,z_2\in L_0$; and c) no other chains.
Simulation of Sequential Decoding in a
Symmetric Binary Channel with Memory
V. V. Ovchinnikov
pp. 161164
AbstractResults are given from a simulation of a sequential decoding procedure using the Fano search algorithm in a symmetric binary channel by a $\sigma$-connected Markov chain.
Codes Constructed on the Base of
V. D. Goppa
pp. 165166
AbstractThe author constructs linear $q$-ary codes with the parameters: 1) $n=q^mm$, $k=n-2mt$, $d\ge 2t+1$; 2) $n=q^m-2t+m(2t-1)+1$, $k=q^m-2t$, $d\ge 2t+1$, as well as binary codes with the parameters $n=2^m+mt$, $k=2^m-t$, $d\ge 2t+1$.
Class of Optimum Cyclic Codes with Base $p$
S. Sh. Oganesyan and V. G. Yagdzhyan
pp. 167169
AbstractA new class of values if optimum cyclic codes is described, for which the weight spectrum and code distance are calculated.
Decoding of Burst-Error-Correcting
I. M. Boyarinov
pp. 170171
AbstractA method is described for the decoding of cyclic AN-codes correcting single burst errors.
Estimating Signal Parameters for a
Quadratic Loss Function
A. P. Trifonov
pp. 172174
AbstractAn approximate expression is derived for the variance of the Bayes estimate of the parameter of a signal detected against a stationary normal noise background in the case of small signal/noise ratios.
Influence of Laser Intensity
Fluctuations on the Noise Immunity of a Binary Data Transmission System
V. I. Makkaveev and D. N. Morozov
pp. 175178
AbstractThe authors analyze the influence of intensity fluctuations of laser signals transmitted through a turbulent atmosphere on the noise immunity of a system containing a detector of the photoelectron counter type with a decision-making function based on the NeymanPearson criterion. The photoelectron distribution function is computed by means of finite sums including gamma functions and probability integrals. The results of computer calculations of the system characteristics are given.