A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
Properties of $m$-Ary Communication Systems
with Coding in a Semicontinuous Channel
Yu. P. Pyatoshin
pp. 89104
AbstractA communication system with $m$ ($m\ge 2$) equidistant signals in the presence of additive Gaussian white noise is investigated. It is assumed that the channel input is discrete and the output is continuous (time is presumed to be a discrete variable). Asymptotic expressions (as $m\to\infty$) are derived for the capacity of the semicontinuous channel, and curves are plotted which give the values of the signal-to-nose ratio and transmission rate such that data transmission is possible with an arbitrarily small error probability.
Waveform Reconstruction from Elements
Specified at a Finite Number of Points
S. A. Kas'yanyuk
pp. 105109
AbstractThe problem of reconstructing the waveform of s signal having a finite spectrum from specified values of the signal and its derivatives at a finite number of points is solved for the case of a priori constraints on the spectrum.
Information-Theoretical Aspects of
Quantum Measurement
A. S. Holevo
pp. 110118
AbstractThe maximum quantity of information that can be obtained about the state of a physical system by performing all possible measurements on it is investigated. An extension of the class of measurements is indicated whereby it is possible to obtain more information about the state of a quantum system that is afforded by quantum-mechanical measurements in the sense of von Neumann.
Suboptimal Incoherent Signal Reception
in Asynchronous-Address Systems with Time-Frequency Coding
M. S. Yarlykov and M. V. Chernyakov
pp. 119125
AbstractA suboptimal incoherent signal receiver for an asynchronous-address system with time-frequency coding is synthesized on a Bayes basis by optimal statistical decision methods. The signal is considered in the presence of additive white noise and systemic pulsed noise approximated by a Poisson process. Different types of signal modulation by the transmitted message are assumed, and the initial phases of the signals are represented as random and uniformly distributed between $-x$ and $x$.
Empirical Spectral Analysis of Gaussian
Homogeneous Random Fields
V. G. Alekseev
pp. 126131
AbstractEstimates of the spectral densities of Gaussian homogeneous random fields specified on two-dimensional and $p$-dimensional integer-valued lattices are investigated. The parameters are found for the weighting functions of the spectral density estimates so as to minimize the mean-square error of estimation (or its upper bound) under given a priori assumptions regarding the degree of smoothness of the estimated spectral density.
Independence of Two Random Sequences
Relatively Stationary in the Restricted Sense
A. L. Genis
pp. 132137
AbstractConditions are formulated under which two random relatively stationary in the restricted sense, one of which is Gaussian, are independent.
Automata that Distinguish Random Media
A. V. Koganov
pp. 138148
AbstractThe interrelationship of the asymptotic optimality of a sequence of automata and aggregates of automata is investigated. It is proved that asymptotically optimal sequences of automata can generate both asymptotically optimal and poorly behaved sequences of aggregates on one and the same set of media for an aggregate. The proof is based on the fact that a statistic distinguishing random media corresponds to a sequence of automata that asymptotically distinguishes those media.
A Markov Process with Local Interaction
L. G. Mityushin
pp. 149152
AbstractA stochastic system consisting of locally interacting components subjected to irreversible transformations is analyzed. It is shown that the distribution function of the states of the system at each instant has with respect to the spatial parameter a certain analog of the Markov property.
Mixed Estimates for the Lost-Call Probability
D. G. Polyak
pp. 153158
AbstractTwo new estimates for the lost-call probability are investigated for a full-available queueing system with Poisson input. The first estimate is based on the observed values of the number of calls served and the total system busy time; the second estimate is based on the observed values of the total system busy time and the total time spent in the service of calls. Expressions are derived for the variances of these estimates in the case of a multiserver Poisson system with losses. The accuracies of the new estimates are compared with those of more conventional estimates.
Investigation of a Program for the
Synthesis of a Multilevel Classification
A. V. Rashkinis
pp. 159168
AbstractExperiments are described in which the behavior of a multilevel classification program is investigated as a function of the complexity of the problems to be solved and of the training and examination conditions. Several experiments are devoted to the comparison of single-level and multilevel training. The preference of multilevel training is inferred from those experiments. Several examples of the multitudinous classifications synthesized by the program are given.
Minimum Code Distance of a Particular
Subcode Class of the ReedSolomon Codes
L. E. Mazur
pp. 169171
AbstractThe ability of subcodes of the ReedSolomon codes to correct independent random binary errors is analyzed.
Simulation of Inversion in Volvox
L. V. Bad'in, E. B. Vul, and I. I. Pyatetskii-Shapiro
pp. 172175
AbstractThe motion of a broken-line curve on the plane, simulating the volvox inversion process, is investigated. The investigation is based on the hypothesis that each individual cell is directed in its motion by knowledge of the locus of the nearest neighbors. Two models are discussed: model $A$ with a bottleneck, and model $B$ with a bottleneck and cell division.