A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
On Nonstochastic Objects
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V. V. V'yugin
pp. 7783
On Code Distances of Some Classes of $(p,p)$-Codes
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B. Brindza
pp. 8391
New Upper Bounds for Decoding Error Probability for Convolutional Codes
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K. Sh. Zigangirov
pp. 92101
Statistical Synthesis of Optimal Processing Algorithms for Series of
Atmospherically Distorted Speckle Images of Astronomical Objects
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P. A. Bakut, S. D. Pol'skikh, A. D. Ryakhin, K. N. Sviridov, and N. D. Ustinov
pp. 102110
On Spectral Density Estimates for Some Models of Stationary Stochastic
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V. G. Alekseev
pp. 110116
Uniform Estimation of an Unknown Probability Distribution Density
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M. B. Nevel'son
pp. 117124
On Properties of Estimation Algorithms for Binary Sequences
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S. T. Grinchenko and N. D. Tarankova
pp. 125134
Some New Random Multiple-Access Algorithms
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B. S. Tsybakov and N. B. Likhanov
pp. 134153
Analysis of a Fully Connected Message-Switching Communication Network
with a Large Number of Nodes, Bypass Routes, and a Limited Number of Waiting
Places at Nodes
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V. V. Marbukh
pp. 154161
(available in Russian only)
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Recurrency of a
Markov System in Terms of Liapunov Functions
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V. A. Lazarev
pp. 99102 (Russian issue)
Optimum Codes Correcting Lattice Errors
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E. M. Gabidulin
pp. 103108 (Russian issue)