A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
Uniform Estimate for a Spectrum of a Linear Code
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V. M. Blinovsky
pp. 187189
Some Results Concerning the Design and Decoding of Turbo-Codes
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D. V. Truhachev, M. Lentmaier, and K. Sh. Zigangirov
pp. 190205
New Minimum Distance Bounds for Linear Codes over Small Fields
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R. N. Daskalov and T. A. Gulliver
pp. 206215
Coding of Run-Length-Limited Sequences
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O. F. Kurmaev
pp. 216225
Improving the Efficiency of the PPM Algorithm
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D. A. Shkarin
pp. 226235
Queueing Networks with Dynamic Routing and Dynamic Stochastic Bypass
of Nodes
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V. E. Evdokimovich and Yu. V. Malinkovskii
pp. 236247
On a Retrial Single-Server Queueing System with Finite Buffer and
Poisson Flow
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P. P. Bocharov, C. D'Apice, and N. H. Phong
pp. 248261
Methods for Reducing the Amount of Computation in Modeling Lossy
Communication Systems Based on Ignoring Low-Probability States
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S. N. Stepanov V. B. Iversen
pp. 262275