A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii

Volume 3, Number 3, July–September, 1967
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The Structure of Separable $AN$-Codes
Yu. G. Dadaev
pp. 1–4

Abstract—A study is made of a subset of $AN$-codes forming a separable code.


The Empirical Bayes Solution of the Problem of Threshold Discrimination of Two Signals
V. L. Stefanyuk
pp. 5–13

Abstract—An algorithm for distinguishing two one-dimensional signals against a background of noise with unknown a priori signal probabilities is described. Consideration of the extremal properties of the distribution of the realizations at the receiver input and the use of an automaton with favorable behavior lead to the construction of a receiver which establishes the discrimination threshold automatically. A single number, the threshold value, is stored in the memory of the device. In its general features the algorithm is close to the methods of stochastic approximation [H. Robbins and S. Monro, Ann. Math. Stat., 1951, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 400–407], but in distinction from the latter it does not contain a factor of “$1/n$ type” in the successive iterations, which permits us to hope that the algorithm will have some advantages in the solution of the empirical Bayes problem in situations where the a priori frequencies change with time. As an example, a generalization of the algorithm to physically real (multi-dimensional) problems is given. For simplicity the investigation is carried out using ideal observer criteria.


Some Asymptotic Properties of the Bayes Estimate of Regression Coefficients in the Presence of Unsteady Noise
B. R. Levin and Yu. S. Shinakov
pp. 14–17

Abstract—Conditions are determined for which the Bayes estimate of the regression coefficients is asymptotically invariant relative to the choice of the cost function. Given these conditions it possesses minimax properties and converges in mean square and in probability.


Signal Detection in the Optical Band by a Photo-Receiver With a Quantum Input Amplifier
A. G. Sheremet'ev and R. M. Kochetkov
pp. 18–21

Abstract—A description is given of a receiver consisting of a quantal amplifier and a photodetector. An expression is found for the generating function of the distribution of the number of photoelectrons at the receiver output for a Poisson distribution of the number of photons at its input. The working characteristic of a Neyman–Pearson detector and an operating algorithm for it are obtained for this case.


The Compression of Discrete Information
B. M. Fitingof
pp. 22–29

Abstract—A minimax approach to the problem of optimal information coding differing from Shannon’s probability approach is formulated. The construction of codes optimal from this point of view is given. It is shown that with a certain natural choice of the estimate of usefulness of messages, such codes ensure the compression of messages corresponding to their redundancy (in the Shannon probabilistic sense of the word) simultaneously for an extensive class of message sources, considered as random sequences of symbols. These universal coding methods are more simply constructed and ensure better efficiency for small lengths of blocks to be coded than the universal quasi-entropic method of coding, without taking account of correlation, previously proposed by the author.


A Simple Probability Model of Collective Behavior
B. G. Pittel
pp. 30–44

Abstract—A simple probability model of collective behavior is considered. The model describes the shifting of population in a city arising as a result of spontaneously occurring exchanges. It is assumed that the exchanges occur only on account of the tendency to decrease the time of traveling to work. The asymptotic properties of the final population distribution are investigated (for an unrestricted increase in the number of inhabitants).


A Problem of Queuing With Aftereffect
A. M. Gersht
pp. 45–49

Abstract—A single channel queuing system with delay is considered. The intensity of the incoming Poisson flow of requests depends on a purely discontinuous Markov random process assuming two values. The time average of the probability distribution of a queue of $x$ requests is obtained, and is investigated in detail for various limiting relations between its parameters.


A Queuing System With Apparatus Which Can Go out of Service and Be Restored
G. V. Emel'yanov
pp. 50–53

Abstract—Queuing systems with losses and delay are considered, where the servers may go out of operation and be restored. The distributions of serving times, periods of uninterrupted working of the apparatus, and repair periods are exponential.


The Problem of Syllable Recognition Based on “Visible Speech”
V. S. Fain and V. N. Sorokin
pp. 54–60

Abstract—Considerations in favor of the adequacy of the “visible speech” representations of speech formation are cited and some properties of these representations are established indicating the usefulness of the application of simple groups of transformations for description of classes in recognition algorithms are established. Algorithms for training and recognition based on the use of these groups are described. Information is also presented on the organization of experimental simulation of this approach.


A Class of Arithmetic Codes With Correction of Several Errors
O. B. Sokolov and I. I. Enikeev
pp. 61–63

Abstract—Let $p$ be a prime number and $2$ a primitive root of it. Then the vector $a^{(0)}$ of dimension $p-1$ generates by means of a cyclic shift a group of $p$ vectors with the operation of addition $\bmod 2^{p-1}-1$, where $a^{(0)}$ is the binary notation of the number $(2^{p-1}-1)/p$. This group is a code correcting several errors.


Choice of Some Instructions for Information and Control Computers
E. I. Galynker
pp. 64–65

Abstract—A list of supplementary operations is considered whose introduction into an electronic computer enables the decoding time of noise-immune codes to be significantly reduced.


In Memoriam: Nikolai Dmitrievich Nyuberg
pp. 66–67