A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
Successive Cancellation Decoding of ReedSolomon Codes
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P. V. Trifonov
pp. 303312
Optimal Almost Equisymbol Codes Based on Difference Matrices
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L. A. Bassalygo and V. A. Zinoviev
pp. 313319
Upper Bounds on the Smallest Size of a Complete Arc in $PG(2,q)$ under a
Certain Probabilistic Conjecture
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D. Bartoli, A. A. Davydov, G. Faina, A. A. Kreshchuk, S. Marcugini, and F.
pp. 320339
Minimum Number of Edges in a Hypergraph Guaranteeing a Perfect Fractional
Matching and the MMS Conjecture
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V. M. Blinovsky
pp. 340349
Interlacing and Smoothing: Combinatorial Aspects
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M. L. Blank
pp. 350363
On the Number of $1$-Factorizations of a Complete Graph
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D. V. Zinoviev
pp. 364370
Gaussian OrnsteinUhlenbeck and Bogoliubov Processes: Asymptotics of Small
Deviations for $L^p$-Functionals, $0\lt p\lt\infty$
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V. R. Fatalov
pp. 371389
Universal Coding for Memoryless Sources with Countably Infinite Alphabets
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B. D. Kudryashov and A. V. Porov
pp. 390399