A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
Some Sequential Decoding Procedures
K. Sh. Zigangirov
pp. 110
AbstractSome sequential algorithms are presented for decoding random tree codes; the messages are transmitted over a binary symmetric channel. Approximate expressions are obtained for the probability of incorrect decoding and for the mean number of operations for decoding one symbol.
Relations Between the Spectrum and
Instantaneous Frequency of a Signal
L. M. Fink
pp. 1121
AbstractA class of functions is considered which includes practically all the signals used in communications technology and in the theoretical investigations of information transmission. The usual definitions of envelope and instantaneous signal frequency are used. Two theorems are proved connecting the numerical characteristics of the energy spectrum of the signal with the corresponding characteristics of the instantaneous frequency. Similar theorems are proved for a stationary random process.
Some Problems in the Theory of Light
Signal Reception
P. A. Bakut, V. G. Vygon, A. A. Kuriksha, V. G. Repin, and G. P. Tartakovskii
pp. 2234
AbstractMethods of processing signals at the output of a light-sensitive element in the presence and absence of an optical heterodyne oscillator are synthesized and investigated. Space-time fluctuations of the signal are taken into account.
Linear Problems for Inaccurately
Defined Random Processes
V. F. Pisarenko
pp. 3543
AbstractA minimax approach to linear problems for inaccurately defined random stationary processes is presented. Integral equations are derived for obtaining the maximal solution stable with respect to the perturbations considered.
The Problem of Rerouting Connecting
Paths in Switching Systems
V. A. Ershov
pp. 4451
AbstractThe unblocking of switching systems by the reswitching of previously established connections to new connecting paths is considered. Algorithms are given for the unblocking of blocked connections which enable one to minimize the number of reroutings in switching systems in which the interruption of a connection at the instant of rerouting is allowed, and in switching systems without breaking the connection. Estimates are given of the limiting number of reroutings for the case of heaviest blocking.
On Separated Comma-Free Codes
L. A. Bassalygo
pp. 5253
AbstractIt is proved that the redundancy of a quasi-linear comma-free code is $\ge\sqrt n$, where a quasi-linear code is defined as the coset of a linear code.
Experimental Estimation of the Number
of Operations in Sequential Decoding with a Single Threshold
V. N. Koshelev
pp. 5356
AbstractThe results of the simulation on an electronic computer of a modification of sequential decoding are presented.
A Method of Increasing the Reliability
of a Finite Automaton
E. N. Turuta
pp. 5759
AbstractIt is shown that for a fixed level of redundancy the utilization of data on the probability distribution of an automaton being in different states enables the reliability of the scheme to be increased relative to that which can be attained on the assumption that all the states are equiprobable.