A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii

Volume 5, Number 4, October–December, 1969
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The Extended Hilbert Transformation and Its Application in Signal Theory
V. I. Korzhik
pp. 1–14

Abstract—The Hilbert transformation is regarded as an operator in the Hilbert space of functions defined on the groups of harmonic analysis. The fundamental properties of the operator and the associated envelope and instantaneous frequency operators are investigated. The natural applications of the established properties in the theory of potential noise-stability, modulation, and detection are shown.


Nonbinary Arithmetic Correcting Codes
V. M. Gritsenko
pp. 15–22

Abstract—A method is considered for synthesizing arithmetic separable codes with error correction in one position for nonbinary positional systems of calculation. To construct the codes the theory of second-degree congruences is used in conjunction with the elements of group theory. Theorems are given for determining the various $r$-ary codes analytically. The relation between $r$-ary and $r^s$-ary codes is used to construct codes with correction of groups of errors in the $r$-ary system of calculation. A number of modules are found which generate correcting codes for calculation systems with bases $r=3,4,\ldots,10,16$.


On the Eigenvalues of Correlation Matrices
A. L. Genis
pp. 23–31

Abstract—We obtain upper and lower bounds for the maximum eigenvalue of the matrix $C_{n+1}(F)=\|c_{p,q};\:p,q=0,1,\ldots,n\|$, with elements of the form $c_{p,q}=c_{p-q}=\int\limits_0^{2\pi}\exp\{i(p-q)\lambda\}F(d\lambda)$, where $F(d\lambda)$ is the measure on the segment $[0,2\pi]$; for the sum of the $K\lt n+1$ largest eigenvalues we give an estimate for the number of eigenvalues with fixed sum. We give examples of the measure $F(d\lambda)$ to illustrate the equations obtained.


Recognition of Consonants and Inhomogeneous Vowels from the Transitional Segments of Vowels
A. A. Grigoryan and G. I. Tsemel
pp. 32–40

Abstract—The article is a study of the initial transitional segments of vowels occurring after voiceless consonants and voiced stops; the experimental material was 5140 utterances of 406 words and involved the participation of 70 speakers. The parameters of the segments were isolated automatically. The mean values of the first two formant frequencies of the transitional and quasi-stationary segments of vowels combined with 11 hard and ten soft consonants were obtained and are given in tables. Features are established for distinguishing hard and soft consonants and for determining the place of formation of hard consonants in terms of the transitional segment of the following vowels; features for recognizing the soft variants of vowels were also established. Values of the loci were obtained for labials and dentals.


A Single-Channel Poisson–Erlang System with a Limited Number of Waiting Positions and Relative Priority
P. P. Bocharov
pp. 41–48

Abstract—We shall analyze a single-channel queueing system receiving two elementary flows of demands where the demands on one channel have a relative priority over the others. The demands of various kinds have an Erlang distribution of servicing time. We shall consider the case of a general queue with a limited number of waiting positions. A numerical example is given.


On the Stability of Stochastic Systems with Retardation
V. B. Kolmanovskii
pp. 49–56

Abstract—The properties are studied of a signal at the output of a feedback system with retardation, the parameters being subject to random “white-noise” fluctuation.


Limit Behavior of One Random Medium
N. B. Vasil'ev
pp. 57–62

Abstract—Each lamp in a row infinite in both directions continues to burn at the next instant if at the given instant it, together with a neighboring lamp, is on; the lamp goes on with probability $\theta$ in other cases ($\theta$ is a small positive number). It is shown that for any initial state of this medium, the probability distribution on the state space asymptotically approaches a linear combination of two fixed stationary distributions, one corresponding to the “all lamps on” state, while the other is regular.


Noise Immunity of Signal Reception in the Optical Band with Discrete Polarization Modulation
A. G. Sheremet'ev and R. G. Tolparev
pp. 63–65

Abstract—An expression is obtained for the probability of incorrect reception of signals in the optical band with discrete polarization modulation; the quantum nature of the signals is taken into account. Reception is achieved with an ideal Zigert–Kotel'nikov receiver. Curves are drawn which permit an estimate of reception efficiency. When the signal-to-noise ratio increases without limit the probability of incorrect reception tends to the quantum limit. During transition from the quantum region to the classical region the probability of incorrect reception depends only on the signal-to-noise ratio and does not depend on the useful signal power.


Distribution of Computations in Sequential Decoding
N. D. Vvedenskaya and K. Sh. Zigangirov
pp. 66–69

Abstract—The behavior of the distribution function for the number of operations involved in decoding a symbol is investigated for one sequential decoding procedure. The problem is reduced to computer solution of a finite-difference system. The computational results are reported.


Minimization of Stochastic Automata
N. Ya. Parshenkov and V. M. Chentsov
pp. 70–72

Abstract—The problem of finding a reduced form of a stochastic automaton is reduced to the problem of minimizing deterministic automata defined by a set of expansions of the original stochastic automaton.


One Problem Pertaining to Servicing of a Flow of Demands by Unreliable Devices
Yu. F. Yakushev
pp. 73–77

Abstract—The Mar'yanovich problem [T.P. Mar'yanovich, Ukr. Matem. Zh., 1960, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 279–286], in which the condition requiring independent restoration of malfunctioning devices is replaced by a more general condition, is solved. Two examples of servicing systems with losses resulting from unreliable devices are also given: the loss probability has the form of the Erlang formula.


The Influence of the Transient Period on the Accuracy of the Monte Carlo Simulation of a Queueing System
D. G. Polyak
pp. 78–82

Abstract—Using the example of an infinite-channel queueing system, it is shown that the influence of the transient period of the simulation on the estimated stationary mean number of calls in the system can be ignored. This conclusion is valid also for more complex systems with relatively small loading.