A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii

Volume 6, Number 4, October–December, 1970
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Noiseless Channels
I. Csiczár
pp. 281–292

Abstract—A general definition of noiseless channels and of the corresponding codes is investigated. Various possible definitions of the channel capacity and the advisability of using these definitions to solve the coding problem with minimum cost are evaluated. The general results are clarified by using the example of channels with a finite number of states and, in particular, memoryless channels.


The Cyclic Structure of AN-Codes
Yu. G. Dadaev
pp. 293–302

Abstract—The cyclic nature of AN-codes is investigated; formulas for the arithmetic distance are obtained for various classes of cyclic AN-codes. An analogy is made with cyclic codes.


Classes of Codes which Correct Error Bursts in an Asymmetrical Channel
S. Sh. Oganesyan and V. G. Yagdzhyan
pp. 303–309

Abstract—The article describes nonlinear codes which correct bursts of errors, as well as codes which correct special types of error bursts. The codes are compared with existing linear codes.


Combined Operation of a Group of Radio Stations
N. M. Volchkov and I. M. Sal'nikov
pp. 310–315

Abstract—The article investigates the “attenuation” factor for the mutual-interference power as a function of the arrangement of the transmitters and receivers, and also as a function of the spectral density of the signals and the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the receivers. It is shown that it is possible and feasible to use the methods of mathematical programing to solve the problem of optimum quality of operation of a group of radio stations. A statement of the problem and some approaches to its solution are offered.


Quantum Characteristic Functions
A. S. Kholevo
pp. 316–321

Abstract—The article is a mathematical investigation of quantum characteristic functions, which have come to be used in photon statistics and the quantum theory of communication. Simple relationships are obtained which make it possible to regard characteristic functions as a kind of “noncommutative” Fourier transformation. They include the “Parseval formula” and the inversion formula which makes it possible to restore the density operator in an arbitrary representation from its characteristic function. The application of the results is illustrated by calculating the generating function for the energy of a system of quantum oscillators.


Information Properties of Cellular Structures
E. A. Ikaunieks
pp. 322–327

Abstract—The article considers $n$-dimensional cellular structures with an arbitrary definition of neighbor cells. It is shown that the existence of “gardens of Eden” in the structure is equivalent to the existence of erasable configurations. It is shown that almost all structures are structures with information losses (solution of Moore’s problem [Proc. Symp. Appl. Math., vol. 14, AMS, Providence, 1962, pp. 17–33]).


A Group of Gain-Comparing Automata
Yu. V. Chaikovskii
pp. 328–335

Abstract—The behavior of large groups of identical automata in random media is studied. The probability of a change of action for each automaton is determined by comparing the gains over a group of automata. For the case in which the group comprises all the automata, the author formulates the corresponding continuous automata and gives the systems of differential equations describing the behavior of infinitely large groups of such automata. It is shown that these groups tend to the optimum behavior in a number of types of random media. A machine experiment is described which shows, for a particular case, that the behavior of a finite number of finite comparing automata is quasioptimum.


Blocking Probability for a Rearrangeable Switching System
L. A. Bassalygo and B. S. Tsybakov
pp. 336–348

Abstract—Formulas are obtained which express the blocking probability for a bilateral switching system with rearrangements in terms of the intensity of the flow of calls arriving at the system. Structures of asymptotically optimum systems are given.


Redundancy with Priorities in Information Transmission Systems
D. G. Mikhalev
pp. 349–354

Abstract—A redundant information transmission system is studied in which the channels are utilized on a priority basis. Three types of priority are considered: relative, absolute, and back-up. For the first type of priority the author obtains recurrence relations which make it possible to calculate the most important reliability characteristics for information transmission under stationary conditions. Explicit formulas are given for absolute and back-up priority.


Maximum Number of Words in Codes without Overlaps
V. I. Levenshtein
pp. 355–357

Abstract—The upper bound for the maximum number of words in block codes without overlaps is improved, and the asymptotic behavior of the redundancy of denumerable codes without overlaps is studied.


A Class of Cyclic Codes which Correct Error Bursts without Gaps
I. M. Boyarinov
pp. 358–360

Abstract—The article proposes a class of optimum cyclic codes which correct single error bursts without gaps of length $b$ or less. Cyclic codes which correct multiple error bursts without gaps are also considered.


Reliability of Decoding Devices for Group Codes
A. A. Svistel'nik and Yu. G. Savchenko
pp. 361–363

Abstract—It is shown in the article that the existing methods of estimating reliability yield only the lower boundary for the reliability of a system and its decoding devices; the specific features of the operation of decoding devices make it possible (through the introduction of certain additional elements) to substantially increase the reliability of these devices and hence the reliability of the system as a whole.


Use of Unilateral Rings to Simulate the Behavior of Uniform Autonomous Bilateral Networks and Rings of Moore Automata
V. I. Varshavskii, V. B. Marakhovskii, and V. A. Peschanskii
pp. 364–367

Abstract—It is shown that it is possible to use unilateral rings to simulate the behavior of arbitrary uniform autonomous bilateral networks and rings of Moore automata in the sense that $\alpha_i(t)=\Psi[\delta_{(i+t)\pmod{\!n}}(2t)]$, where $\alpha_i(t)$ is the state of the $i$-th automaton in a network at the instant $t$; $\delta_j(2t)$ is the state of the $j$-th automaton in a ring at the instant $2t$; and $\Psi$ is some function.


Optimum Detection of a Bunch of Fluctuating Light Pulses in the Presence of Strong Interference
N. A. Dolinin and A. F. Terpugov
pp. 368–371

Abstract—An optimum detection algorithm is obtained for a bunch of light pulses in the presence of strong interference; its reception characteristics are investigated.


One Method of Approximate Calculation of Multidimensional Integral Distribution Functions for Random Processes
B. R. Levin and Ya. A. Fomin
pp. 372–377

Abstract—The authors propose a method of approximate calculation of multidimensional integral distribution functions which is based on the properties of the transition probabilities of multiply connected Markov chains.


pp. 379–385