A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii

Volume 10, Number 4, October–December, 1974
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Optimal Encoding and Decoding for Transmission of a Gaussian Markov Signal in a Noiseless-Feedback Channel
R. Sh. Liptser
pp. 279–288

Abstract—An optimal scheme in the sense of mean-square error is given for the transmission of a Gaussian diffusion process in a channel with additive white noise and instantaneous noiseless feedback.


Redundancy of Universal Coding of Arbitrary Markov Sources
V. K. Trofimov
pp. 289–295

Abstract—It is given that letters of an input alphabet are generated by a certain $s$-connected Markov source. A coding is called universal if its redundancy tends to zero for any source. The asymptotic behavior of the redundancy of such a coding is determined for the class of $s$-connected Markov sources. An upper bound has been obtained for it by Yu.M. Shtar'kov. For $s=0$ the results concur with the results of K.E. Krichevskii for Bernoulli sources.


Universal Stochastic Coding in Decision-Feedback Systems
V. I. Korzhik, S. A. Osmolovskii, and L. M. Fink
pp. 296–299

Abstract—An optimal scheme in the sense of mean-square error is given for the transmission of a Gaussian diffusion process in a channel with additive white noise and instantaneous noiseless feedback.


Semiarithmetic Error-Correcting Codes for Adders
V. M. Gritsenko
pp. 300–307

Abstract—The article discusses the structure of binary $(n,k)$ codes for the correction of adder errors by means of an algebraic decoding scheme implemented on a small-modulus decoder. Single-and double-error-correcting codes and error-locating codes are synthesized.


Correcting Codes for Asymmetric Errors
L. E. Mazur
pp. 308–312

Abstract—The weight spectrum of Varshamov–Tenegol'ts codes is determined. Bounds are estimated for the power of Varshamov codes correcting multiple asymmetric errors.


Determination of Cycle Representatives in the Decomposition of the Complete System of Residues on an Arbitrary Modulus
V. V. Bel'gii, A. P. Kurdyukov, and G. A. Novak
pp. 313–316

Abstract—A procedure is proposed for determining the representatives of cycles in the decomposition of the complete system of residues on an arbitrary modulus with respect to the subgroup of powers of two.


Remarks on Optimal Quantum Measurements
A. S. Holevo
pp. 317–320

Abstract—A theorem on optimal Bayes quantum measurements is formulated in general terms. Errors are indicated in the proof published by Yuen, and a new proof is offered, which is based on the application of the Lagrange duality theorem and certain specific properties of a Banach space of Hermitian kernel operators.


Optimal Reception of Pulse-Time-Modulated Signals in Asynchronous-Address Communication Systems
M. S. Yarlykov and M. V. Chernyakov
pp. 321–328

Abstract—The Markov theory of optimal nonlinear filtering in the Gaussian approximation is used to solve the optimal reception problem for pulse-time-modulated signals in asynchronous-address communication systems with frequency-time coding. The useful signal is analyzed in the presence of additive fluctuation noise approximated by white noise and of nonadditive temporal and phase distortions corresponding to time shifts of the reference and working user-address pulses, instability of the sender carrier frequencies, and influence of the Doppler effect. A transmitted speech message is approximated by the model of a component of a continuous bivariate Markov process. Expressions are derived and graphs plotted for the relative filtering errors, making it possible to estimate the receiver errors of asynchronous-address systems.


Asymptotically Similar Tests of a Composite Hypothesis Versus a Nonstationary Alternative
V. M. Baronkin, A. F. Kushnir, and A. I. Pinskii
pp. 329–339

Abstract—A general method for the formulation of asymptotically similar tests, based on access to $\sqrt{n}$-consistent estimates of an unknown parameter, is described for the problem of testing a composite hypothesis against a nonstationary alternative. The asymptotically most powerful test is chosen in the class of differentially asymptotically similar tests. Cases in which the similarity constraints do not sacrifice efficiency are treated separately.


A Multiple-Server Queueing System with Lost Calls and Mutual Assistance
B. T. Guseinov
pp. 340–343

Abstract—The allocation of streams of incoming calls to non-fully accessible trunk lines having different capacities is analyzed.


Selection of the Operating Frequency for Affiliated Radio Stations
I. P. Kharchenko
pp. 344–347

Abstract—The article explores the possibility of constructing a game between automata regulating the carrier frequency of radio stations operating as members of an affiliated system in a heavily allocated frequency range.


pp. 349–354