A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
Transmission over a Multiple-Access Channel with a Special Source
V. V. Prelov
pp. 233239
AbstractThe article considers transmission over a multiple-access channel with several inputs and one output, in the case of a special source hierarchy. Specifically, it is assumed that all message sources are accessible to the first encoder, all sources except the first are accessible to the second encoder, all sources except the first two are accessible to the third encoder, and so forth. It is shown that, in this situation, the presence of complete feedback does not increase the capacity region of a multiple-access memoryless channel. If, moreover, the channel in question is deterministic, the ordinary capacity region and the zero-error capacity region coincide.
Minimum Block Length of a Linear $q$-ary Code
with Specified Dimension and Code Distance
S. M. Dodunekov
pp. 239249
AbstractThe article considers the determination of the minimum possible length of a linear code with specified dimension and code distance over a field of $q$ elements. Constructions of minimum-length codes are given, and their properties are investigated. Some refinements of the Griesmer bound are given.
$(L,g)$-Codes and Binary Forms
A. L. Vishnevetskii
pp. 250256
AbstractA modification of the definition of $(L,g)$-codes makes it possible to obtain cyclicity and quasicyclicity criteria and to obtain bounds for the number of equivalence classes of a large family of codes. The canonical form of polynomial $g$ is given for codes equivalent to cyclical codes, and also for codes with $\deg g=2,3$.
On Deformation of Plane Curves
G. A. Margulis and A. S. Omel'chenko
pp. 257264
AbstractThe authors propose a method of constructing the deformation of plane non-self-intersecting curves, based on reduction of the length functional in some Riemannian metric. Results of computer experiments are described.
Spline-Collocation Method as Used for Synthesizing a Combined Signal
Detection and Estimation System
V. N. Taran and V. V. Khutortsev
pp. 265273
AbstractIn synthesizing a combined detection and estimation system, the authors employ the spline-collocation method to solve the stochastic detection and filtration equations for Markov processes. It is shown that the proposed approach has advantages over the traditional ones. The departure of the synthesized system from the optimal one is estimated.
Estimation of Spectral Density of Gaussian Sequence of Observation
in Additive Noise
S. Yu. Efroimovich
pp. 273284
AbstractThe author considers the nonparametric problem of estimating the unknown spectral density of a stationary Gaussian sequence on the basis of observations of it in additive Gaussian noise. A lower bound for the minimax risk, asymptotic with respect to the number of observations, is established. It is shown that for an extensive class of spectral densities, including rational spectral densities, this bound is attained on linear estimation plan. In the general case, linear estimation plans are asymptotically efficient with respect to the order of the number of observations.
Random Multiple Access System with Impatient Packets
B. S. Tsybakov and N. B. Likhanov
pp. 284303
AbstractThe authors consider a random system of multiple access of impatient packets to a shared channel with feedback. With probability $p$, the packets refuse further attempts at transmission every time that they become involved in a conflict. The transmission rate in a system with a modified subdivision algorithm is determined. Upper and lower bounds are obtained for the capacity of the system as a function of the maximum permissible intensity of packet loss and the probability $p$.
Stable Polylocus Polyallele Populations with Additive Selection
L. A. Kun and L. N. Lupichev
pp. 304313
AbstractThe article is a continuation of [Probl. Peredachi Inf., 1983, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 9199]. Here the authors consider $\Omega$-stable infinite polylocus polyallele populations under the action of additive stationary selection.
pp. 315320