A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
Simple Methods for Deriving Lower Bounds in Coding Theory
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L. A. Bassalygo, S. I. Gelfand, and M. S. Pinsker
pp. 277281
Relative-Redundancy Universal Coding of Memoryless Sources
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Yu. M. Shtarkov
pp. 282288
Lower Bound on Error Probability in Fixed-Volume List Decoding
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V. M. Blinovskii
pp. 288302
Concatenation Method for Construction of Spherical Codes in
n-Dimensional Euclidean Space
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S. M. Dodunekov, V. A. Zinoviev, and Th. Ericson
pp. 303307
Fast Maximum-Likelihood Decoding of ReedMuller Codes
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V. V. Zyablov and S. L. Portnoi
pp. 307317
Decoding of Low-Density Codes
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S. I. Kovalev
pp. 317321
On Some Interpolation Procedures for a Partially Observed Markov
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B. V. Lazareva
pp. 322333
Nonstationarity Criterion for a Gaussian Time-Series Autoregressive
Model with a Close Alternative
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J. Kormos and V. I. Piterbarg
pp. 334338
Fast Evaluation of Transcendental Functions
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E. A. Karatsuba
pp. 339360
Asymptotic Behavior of Nonanticipative Epsilon-Entropy for
Gaussian Processes
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A. K. Gorbunov and M. S. Pinsker
pp. 361365
Distortion-free Compression of Telephone Signals in Multichannel
Communication Lines
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V. R. Zvonkovich, I. V. Pertsev, B. Ya. Ryabko, and I. V.
pp. 366369
pp. 371377