A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
Concatenated Decoding Algorithm with Incomplete Inspection of Code Vectors
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A. M. Barg and I. I. Dumer
pp. 17
Bounds for Codes in the Case of Finite-Volume List Decoding
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V. M. Blinovskii
pp. 719
Noise-Stable Encoding of Unique Messages
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V. I. Korzhik
pp. 1924
Robust Filtration of Random Fields
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L. I. Piterbarg
pp. 2430
On the Behavior of Moments of Arbitrary Order of Multivariate Stochastic Approximation
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E. Kh. Mustafaev and M. B. Nevel'son
pp. 3037
Gaussian Diffusion Approximation of Closed Markov Models of Computer Networks
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Ya. A. Kogan, R. Sh. Liptser, and A. V. Smorodinskii
pp. 3851
Capacity Region for Circuit-Switched Networks
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A. N. Rybko and V. A. Mikhailov
pp. 5166
Variances and Covariances of Statistical Estimates of the Characteristics of
Semi-Markov Systems with a Finite Set of States
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E. I. Shkol'nyi
pp. 6776
(available in Russian only)
Lower Bound on the Ensemble Average Error Probability in a Multiple Access Channel
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A. G. Dyachkov
pp. 98103 (Russian issue)
Multi-Threshold Decoding
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V. V. Zolotarev
pp. 104109 (Russian issue)