A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
Direct Estimation of the Spectrum of Stationary Stochastic Processes
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Yu. M. Perlov
pp. 8794
Stochastic Filters and Generation of Stochastic Processes
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N. N. Evtikhiev and E. A. Sandler
pp. 94100
Minimax Signal Detection in the Presence of Noise with an Incompletely
Specified Spectral Density
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O. M. Kurkin, G. V. Berdavtsev, and Yu. B. Korobochkin
pp. 100106
On the Existence of q-ary Generalized Concatenated Codes with Optimal
Error-Correcting Properties
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V. V. Zyablov and S. A. Shavgulidze
pp. 107119
On Distribution of Values of Recurrence Sequences
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I. E. Shparlinsky
pp. 120125
A Nonhomogeneous Frame RMA Algorithm
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B. S. Tsybakov and V. B. Fayngold
pp. 126136
Optimized Algorithms for Numerical Calculation of the Characteristics of
Multistream Models with Repeated Calls
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S. N. Stepanov
pp. 136144
Equivalent Definitions of the Probabilistic Characteristics of Models
with Repeated Calls and Their Application
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S. N. Stepanov and I. I. Tsitovich
pp. 145153
The Number of Mappings of Graphs, Ordering of Graphs, and Muirhead's
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A. M. Leontovich
pp. 154165
Design of High-Speed Checkers for Berger Codes
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M. K. Bimukanov, V. V. Sapozhnikov, and Vl. V. Sapozhnikov
pp. 165171