A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
Entanglement-Breaking Channels in Infinite Dimensions
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A. S. Holevo
pp. 171184
Mutual Information, Variation, and Fanos Inequality
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V. V. Prelov and E. C. van der Meulen
pp. 185197
On the Zero-Rate Error Exponent for a BSC with Noisy Feedback
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M. V. Burnashev and H. Yamamoto
pp. 198213
On the Error-Correcting Capability of LDPC Codes
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K. Sh. Zigangirov, A. E. Pusane, D. K. Zigangirov, and D. J. Costello, Jr.
pp. 214225
On Fragments of Words over a q-ary Alphabet
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V. K. Leont'ev and S. A. Mukhina
pp. 226232
Optimal Filtering of a Random Background in Image Processing Problems
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A. V. Bernstein and A. P. Kuleshov
pp. 233242
Some Lower Bounds on the Algebraic Immunity of Functions Given by
Their Trace Forms
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V. V. Bayev
pp. 243265
On Quadratic Approximations in Block Ciphers
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N. N. Tokareva
pp. 266286