A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
Linear Complexity of Ternary Sequences Formed on the Basis of Power
Residue Classes
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V. A. Edemskiy
pp. 287294
On Perfect Codes for an Additive Channel
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V. K. Leont'ev, G. L. Movsisyan, and J. G. Margaryan
pp. 295302
Stochastic Recovery Problem
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B. S. Darkhovsky
pp. 303314
Nonparametric Estimation of Signal Amplitude in White Gaussian Noise
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R. Z. Khasminskii
pp. 315320
Adaptive Filtering of a Random Signal in Gaussian White Noise
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E. N. Belitser and F. N. Enikeeva
pp. 321332
Gibbs Field Approach for Evolutionary Analysis of Regulatory Signal of
Gene Expression
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V. A. Lyubetsky, E. A. Zhizhina, and L. I. Rubanov
pp. 333351
Limit Theorems for Queueing Systems with Doubly Stochastic Poisson
Arrivals (Heavy Traffic Conditions)
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L. G. Afanas'eva and E. E. Bashtova
pp. 352369
Circle of Interacting Servers: Spontaneous Collective Behavior in the
Case of Large Fluctuations
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N. D. Vvedenskaya and E. A. Pechersky
pp. 370384
Limiting Distributions in Queueing Networks with Unreliable Elements
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G. Sh. Tsitsiashvili and M. A. Osipova
pp. 385394
The International Dobrushin Prize
pp. 395398
pp. 399402