A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
Lower Bound for Error Probability in a Discrete Memoryless Channel with Feedback
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A.Yu. Sheverdyaev
pp. 227234
Capacity in the Case of Transmission by Smooth Surfaces in Multiparametric
Gaussian White Noise
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M. Nusbaum
pp. 235244
On Methods of Code Lengthening
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V. A. Zinov'ev and S. N. Litsyn
pp. 244254
Multivariate Asymptotically Optimal Stochastic Approximation Procedure
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A. M. Benderskii and M. B. Nevel'son
pp. 255262
Sequential Parameter Estimation and Filtering of Stochastic Processes
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A. G. Tartakovskii
pp. 263272
On Minimax Filtering of Functions in $L_2$
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G. K. Golubev
pp. 272278
Upper Bound for the Delay in a Multiple-Random-Access System with a Splitting
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B. S. Tsybakov and N. B. Likhanov
pp. 279285
Unidirectional Loop Communication Networks with Packet Switching
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L. V. Andreev
pp. 285298
Some Inequalities for a Multiphase System
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A. A. Pukhal'skii
pp. 299307
pp. 309314
(available in Russian only)
Decay of the Dependence on an Initial State for Some Multicomponent Markov Systems
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L. G. Mityushin
pp. 117123 (Russian issue)
On the Asymptotic Expansion of the Mean Square Risk for a Bayesian Estimate
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E. K. Trishchenko
pp. 123125 (Russian issue)