A translation of Problemy Peredachi Informatsii
Nonequivalent Cascaded Convolutional Codes Obtained from Equivalent
Constituent Convolutional Encoders
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S. Höst, R. Johannesson, and V. V. Zyablov
pp. 291299
On Linear Hash Codes
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V. Yu. Solomennikov and Yu. L. Sagalovich
pp. 300308
Upper and Lower Bounds and Asymptotics of Optimal Filtering Error of a
Stationary Process with a Small Information Rate
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M. S. Pinsker and V. V. Prelov
pp. 309321
Comparison Analysis of the Hexagonal Multilevel QAM and Rectangular Multilevel
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K. Engdahl and K. Sh. Zigangirov
pp. 322331
Existence and Uniqueness Theorems for fBm Stochastic Differential Equations
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M. L. Kleptsyna, P. E. Kloeden, and V. V. Anh
pp. 332341
Fast Evaluation of the Hurwitz Zeta Function and Dirichlet L-Series
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E. A. Karatsuba
pp. 342353
Large Deviations for Random Processes with Independent Increments on Infinite
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R. L. Dobrushin and E. A. Pechersky
pp. 354384
Author Index
pp. 385386
Tables of Contents
pp. 387389